advice and information
NHS and healthcare pay
We want working in the NHS to be an attractive career and that means improving rates of pay for our members.
Fair pay for fair work
Working in the NHS isn’t easy. We know that decisions you make as managers can impact patient care and the delivery of services. We want NHS management to be an attractive career that means improving pay for our members.
MiP uses our influence with government and employers through partnership working to improve rates of pay and conditions.
How MiP supports you on pay
Despite how they are often portrayed in the media, healthcare managers are essential in keeping services running in extremely challenging circumstances. They do their job to allow clinicians to focus on caring for patients. Without managers, services would fall apart so ensuring it is attractive career option is vital. We support our members on pay by:
- Submitting evidence to public sector pay review bodies on behalf of our members.
- Working in partnership with government and employers to ensure management voice is not lost on pay.
- Supporting members individually on pay issues.
- Consulting members on pay awards and taking action when needed through our partner union UNISON.
We will always make the case that managers deserve fair pay for their work and that pay is a key part of enabling the NHS to recruit and retain the best leaders.
Looking for more information on pay?
Read our latest articles on pay and pensions by following the link below
Need guidance on another issue?
MiP has a range of free guidance in our Advice pages. Click below to view all of our workplace guidance.
Still need support?
Existing members can get individual support with problems at work. Use the link below to get in touch with Member Advice.
Joining when work is going well means your union will be there if you ever need it
MiP can only offer one-to-one support on issues that occur after your first four weeks of membership. Join today to ensure you are protected if you ever need it in the future.
Get In Touch
Still have questions? Please get in touch via email or fill out an enquiry form. We’re here to help.
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Opening Times: 9am – 5pm, Mon – Fri
Find out if you’re eligible for MiP here. Still have questions? Send us an enquiry using the form opposite and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
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