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Monday 28 February 2022

FDA president and Executive Committee elections 2022

By MiP

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Nominations are now open for the election of the FDA president and members of the FDA Executive Committee. As members of both the FDA and UNISON, MiP members are entitled to stand for election, nominate candidates and vote in both elections.

FDA Executive Committee

The FDA Executive Committee (EC) makes sure that decisions taken at the FDA’s Annual Delegate Conference (ADC) are put into action, meeting with the General Secretary at least six times a year to look after the union’s affairs.

The EC is made up of members elected from various constituencies representing of the breadth of the FDA's membership. 

MiP has four seats on the FDA EC. MiP members can only nominate candidates from within the MiP constituency, and each nomination must be signed by at least two MiP members or by the MiP National Committee. If more than four candidates are nominated, a postal ballot will be held. Members elected to represent the MiP constituency will serve for a two-year term, from 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2022.

You can download the nomination form for the Executive Committee elections here.

FDA President

MiP members can also nominate candidates, from any constituency of the FDA, for the post of the FDA president. Candidates will need at least 30 nominations to stand, including at least five from three different constituencies. If more than one candidate is successfully nominated, a postal ballot will be held. The president will serve a two-year term, from 1 June 2022 to 31 May 2024.

You can download the nomination form for the election of the FDA president here.

Nominations for both elections close at 5pm on Friday 25 March 2022.

You can read more about the FDA’s structure and the role of the president and Executive Committee on the FDA’s website.

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