NHS England job cuts “risks undermining the 10 Year Plan”, says MiP

Responding to NHS England’s announcement that it plans to reduce its headcount by a further 15% following its previous restructure, Jon Restell Chief Executive of MiP said:
“MiP and trade union colleagues were not consulted about this decision. It was not a decision reached after meaningful partnership-working nor is it something we support or endorse.
“Without meaningful engagement with staff and their unions this announcement will cause significant uncertainty and disruption. We had hoped NHS England would have learned the lessons of the previous change programme when unions were only engaged after the fact. It seems they have not.
“NHS organisations, just like organisations in other sectors, cannot be productive when in a constant state of change. The Chief Executive was at pains to say that this process will not require another full reorganisation. Sadly, this will ring hollow to staff who have barely recovered from the disastrous process to create the new NHS England.
“The employer has indicated it plans to achieve the reduction primarily through removing existing vacancies and the permanent removal of frozen posts. We are seeking further clarity here on the numbers involved and assurances that as many existing jobs in the system as possible will be saved.
“While limiting existing job losses is the right priority, it is important to consider the impact that removing roles will have on function and workload of staff. Cutting jobs does not cut the needs of the organisation and we know that staff who remained following the last merger are now being asked to do more with less. This approach is unsustainable.
“NHS England plays a vital role supporting the delivery of healthcare services. To have already lost a significant amount of talent and skills in the past two years, further losses may have dire consequences for the health service as a whole and risks undermining the implementation of the 10 Year Plan.
“We understand and share members’ anger and concerns surrounding this announcement. MiP workplace reps in NHS England will be available to support members throughout this process.
“MiP will also be raising concerns directly with NHS England leadership. We are committed to working with the employer in partnership, as you would expect, and we will represent members’ interests robustly, as you would also expect. We are urgently seeking more detail on this announcement.
“Specific questions for the employer are:
- How will further decisions about which staff and areas are likely to be at risk?
- What access will the unions have to decision makers in this process?
- What commitments to engage in real partnership from now on will the employer make to staff and their union representatives?
- What lessons from the last re-organisation will be put into practice in this process?
- What arrangements will be put in place to support staff with their wellbeing and career planning?
- How will the employer help union representatives to support and consult our members?
- How will the employer manage the impact of any reduction to the functions and workloads of the staff in new structures?
- How will the functions of NHS England be matched sustainably to the resources of the organisation?
- How will the employer do workforce planning for new structures and functions?
“We will share more information with our members in NHS England as soon as we learn more from the employer. In the meantime, MiP will be hosting member drop-in sessions with workplace reps and other events as this progresses. More details will be shared soon.”
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