MiP launches Black Members Network
MiP’s newly-founded Black Members Network held its inaugural meeting in November. The network provides a safe space for MiP’s Black members to meet, discuss workplace issues and influence MiP policy and campaigns.
The network is still in its formative phase and is working with members to develop priorities and objectives heading into 2025. MiP encourages all Black members to join the network and help shape its development.
The network has agreed to meet monthly initially and will review the frequency of its meetings next year.
If you are interested in joining the network, please contact info@miphealth.org.uk and details of the next meeting will be shared.
- MiP is a national branch of UNISON and the network’s purpose aligns with UNISON’s definition of Black members: In UNISON ‘Black’ is used to indicate people with a shared history. Black with a capital ‘B’ is used in its broad political and inclusive sense to describe people in Britain who have suffered colonialism and enslavement in the past and continue to experience racism and diminished opportunities in today’s society.
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