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Monday 09 September 2024

Union welcomes above-inflation rise for board-level managers

By MiP

Empty boardroom in low light

MiP has welcomed a 5% pay rise for board level NHS managers in England after the UK government accepted the latest recommendations from the Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB).

The award applies to very senior managers (VSMs) working for trusts and ICBs and executive senior managers (ESMs) working for NHS England and other arm’s length bodies. Pay rises will be backdated to April 2024 once implemented.

In its 2024 report, the SSRB, which also covers pay for senior civil servants and military top brass, urged the government to tackle delays in approving pay cases for the most senior NHS managers by introducing a “four-week turnaround” once a pay case has been submitted. The government said it was “still considering its approach to the recommendation” and “cannot confirm acceptance at this time”.

Commenting on the 5% award, MiP chief executive Jon Restell said: “MiP submitted evidence to the SSRB arguing that a fair pay award is vital to ensure senior managers are motivated to stay in the NHS, so we welcome the above-inflation award.”

“We encourage the devolved governments to follow suit to ensure the NHS in all parts of the UK can recruit and retain the experience and skills this extremely important group of staff provides,” he added.

He encouraged board level members to get involved with preparing MiP’s review body evidence for the 2025 pay round. “The strength of MiP’s evidence to the SSRB lies directly with our members who contributed to it,” he said.

  • Want to add your voice to MiP’s evidence for next year’s review body? Email MiP’s communications and policy officer Rhys McKenzie: r.mckenzie@miphealth.org.uk
Photo: iStock

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MiP has welcomed a 5% pay rise for very senior and executive senior managers in the NHS in England, after the UK government accepted the latest recommendations from the Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB).
9th Sep 2024
By MiP
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