Feature: Breaking the silence – time to talk about mental health
We explore the deep culture changes needed to improve staff mental health and make sure all…
Leading Edge: Do we really value leadership in the NHS?
Outsiders would expect leadership to be one of the highest national priorities in health and care.…
Tipster: Working with Doctors
With NHS services under extreme pressure, managers and doctors need great working relationships. Umesh Prabhu shares…
Feature: Election 2017 – a new deal from the new government
Following the inconclusive 2017 general election result, here are MiP’s challenges to the new government –…
Tipster: Making the most of Agenda for Change
UNISON’s head of health gives her top tips for using the Agenda for Change agreement to…
Feature: STPs – what’s in store for NHS managers?
Sustainability and Transformation Plans may save the NHS or drag it further into the mire. But…
Interview: Alwen Williams, chief executive of Barts Health NHS Foundation Trust
Barts Health, England’s largest trust, comes with financial and quality troubles to match. Its chief executive…
Managing Better Care: Staff training – lessons in collaboration
We spoke the managers who have transformed staff training across NHS Wales, cutting costs, raising quality…
Analysis & opinion: Mental health – getting our priorities right
The promised transformation of mental health services won’t materialise without proper funding and serious attention to…